Over 2,000 Deals under his belt and counting!  Our Featured Guest today is John Burley.  John is a real estate investing expert and he has also written books with Donald Trump and was a contributor to the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” with Robert Kiyosaki.  There are many strategies to profit in real estate today!  John has a unique strategy where he gets paid to buy real estate “up front”, and keeps the assets to receive cash-flow for life!  With this method, he doesn’t have to sell the house to get paid.  However if he wants to sell it years down the line, there is a huge upside on the back end with each deal!  If you want to know more about John and his Strategies, you can connect with him at www.JohnBurley.com.  Listen as John shares how he is making money in real estate today, and be sure to Subscribe in iTunes for Free daily updates!  3-Minute Video Shows You How

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