Freedom Real Estate Investing Podcast

Our Featured Guest today Justin Wilmot got his start as an Entrepreneur washing cars after work.  He went from waiting tables at a local restaurant to pulling up his sleeves after work.  He wanted to grow his services, so he added small boats to his washing and waxing business.  As word of his tenacity spread in his beach community, Justin had the opportunity to work with a guy who wanted his Yacht  washed and cleaned.  And from there, he formed a new Yacht Management Company. At the age of 20, he was making $250,000 a year and life was good … until the real estate crash.  When the market tanked, even the Wealthy Yacht owners tightened their wallets fast, and Justin’s business went bankrupt.

The 10 Hour Wholesaler

In his defeat, he did what a lot of other people do, he went to Google and started searching for new opportunity.  He came across information on how to become a real estate investor and flip houses with no money down.  He went to a local REIA (real estate investing club) and met some of the players.  He hired a mentor and never looked back.  Today, Justin has done over 500 deals and he is just getting started.  If you want to learn more about what Justin Wilmot, you can get a copy of his free report at  Listen now as Justin shares his journey from where he was, to where is hi today through real estate investing!

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